
Who Gets Fido? Pet Custody And Divorce

Child custody arrangements are often major issues in a divorce, but the disposition of pets are becoming increasingly common issues in divorce court as well. Many people think of their fur babies as children, so it's no surprise that who gets custody of the beloved family pet is so hotly contested. If you have a divorce in your future, read on for more information about how pet custody issues are decided. Read More 

3 Mistakes To Avoid In Your Social Security Disability Case

Social security disability is designed to help those who are suffering from a condition that is affecting their everyday life and preventing them from doing the things they normally would. Oftentimes, people applying for benefits aren't aware of everything the process entails, and they end up making a few mistakes along the way. If you are looking to apply for benefits and want to make sure you don't end up losing out on your benefits, here are a few key mistakes to avoid making along the way. Read More 

FAQs About Protecting Your Online Presence After Death

Estate planning is far more than just creating a will. It is also about protecting your digital legacy. The presence you leave behind online and the instructions for handling can sometimes be as important as other aspects of your life. If you are considering what to do with your digital legacy, here is what you need to know.  What Is a Digital Legacy? A digital legacy can refer to your social networking accounts, online communities in which you participate, and your blogs. Read More 

About Buying Real Estate With Help From An Attorney

Are you debating on whether or not you should invest in a home that is up for sale because the low price is suspicious? The best way to handle the situation is to allow a real estate attorney to walk you through the process from beginning to end. Below, discover helpful information about getting help from an attorney when it comes to buying real estate. What is the Point of Hiring an Attorney for a Real Estate Purchase? Read More 

What If You Receive An Overpayment Notice From The Social Security Administration?

When an overpayment of Social Security disability benefits occurs, you are expected to return the funds back to the Social Security Administration, or SSA. However, if the funds are not returned and the agency realizes its mistake, your benefits could be impacted until the agency receives the funds back. If you have received notice of an overpayment, here is what you need to know.  What Will the Social Security Administration Do? Read More