
How To Properly Document An Injury Claim

When a personal injury attorney tackles a case, documenting the nature of the injuries and how the incident happened is one of the earliest things you can do to help them. Documentation can sound like a somewhat vague word, but it means a handful of very specific things to a personal injury lawyer. Here is a look at the sort of documentation an injury attorney wants to see before going forward with a claim. Read More 

Will Filing For Bankruptcy Stop Judgments?

Do you have judgments against you right now? If you do, it is only a matter of time before your creditors will start requesting garnishments on your paychecks, if they have not already started this. If you are in this position, you might be wondering if bankruptcy would stop these judgments. In some cases, the answer is yes, but there are other situations when the answer is no. What is a judgment? Read More 

The 3 Main Things A Revocable Living Trust Covers

A revocable living trust is one of many types of estate planning tools you can create and use for protection later in life, and this type of trust covers three main things. A revocable living trust is not always the best option for everyone, but it tends to offer the right types of protection and coverage that many people need. Keep reading for an explanation of how this type of trust works and what it covers. Read More 

Sudden Medical Emergencies And Car Accident Claims

Imagine this: You're heading down the road in your car and you're suddenly blindsided by another vehicle that drifts abruptly out of its lane and into you. You're seriously injured, so you naturally try to seek medical coverage and compensation from the other driver's insurance. Yet, your claim is denied because the other driver is asserting a claim that they were suddenly incapacitated due to a medical emergency. What's going on? Read More 

Common Defenses For Speeding Tickets That Can Work

Speeding tickets are the most common driving violation, but they can still cause you problems just the same. If possible, it is best to get a speeding ticket attorney who can defend you so you do not end up with a negative mark on your driving record. You may be able to argue the officer's perception of how fast you were going.  It is not uncommon for an officer to use their own perception to charge you with speeding, and if they do, you may have a better chance of defending the speeding ticket in court. Read More