Many people believe that child support stops when the child reaches the age of majority (18 in most states). This may be true, but there are situations where you may have to continue making the payments well beyond that age. This is usually the case if the court believes that there is a need for the continued payments. Here are some circumstances that may necessitate this:
The Child Reaches 18 Before Completing High School
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If you own your own company and need to fire someone who had worked within your business, you may wonder if you should seek legal counsel about the termination. In most instances, firing someone with a justifiable reason will go by without a hitch, however there are some situations where it is best to be prepared. Here are some of the times when hiring an employment lawyer, such as one from Michael Terrence Conway & Co, is in your best interest when firing one of your employees.
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When you go after someone who you feel is responsible for an injury that you have received, you likely expect that there will be some form of defense strategy projected back at you. However, what you may not expect is for the other party to claim that you were at fault for your own injury!
Contributory negligence is a term that is used in personal injury claims that basically means that your own negligence contributed to your own injury.
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If you're in the job-hunting process and continue to find yourself confounded with pre-employment personality testing, you're not alone -- more and more employers have turned to these types of tests to weed out potential problem employees, with 60 to 70 percent of applicants now expected to take a personality test as part of an application. However, certain types of personality tests could subject an employer to litigation before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
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When you are going through a divorce, things don't always go as planned. If you have a lot of financial resources that you want to protect and keep your soon-to-be ex from getting, you need a divorce lawyer to assist you. Find out how a divorce lawyer can safeguard your assets so everything doesn't end up in the hands of your former spouse.
Your lawyer can help freeze your assets.
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