Environmental law applies to a wide range of activities in modern life. Although we generally think of environmental law practice as mostly applying to corporate activities, there are plenty of scenarios that also apply to residential ones. It's wise to know whether you might have to comply with environmental regulations before you buy a property, start a project, or expand your activities. Let's look at what environmental law applies to and how that might impact you.
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Are you about to go through a custody battle for your children during a divorce? If so, you may be wondering what factors a judge is going to look at when making a decision. Many people automatically assume that the mother will be the one that receives custody, but that is not always the case. Each state has statutes that list factors that the court will look at when determining custody.
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When cars and trucks collide, the individual that is most likely to suffer an injury is the person behind the wheel of the car. If you have recently sustained an injury in a truck accident, it may be possible to recover monetary damages to take care of lost wages and medical expenses by pursuing a lawsuit. However, with truck lawsuits, there are several potential parties that you can name in your lawsuit, so it must be determined who is liable.
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When a personal injury attorney tackles a case, documenting the nature of the injuries and how the incident happened is one of the earliest things you can do to help them. Documentation can sound like a somewhat vague word, but it means a handful of very specific things to a personal injury lawyer. Here is a look at the sort of documentation an injury attorney wants to see before going forward with a claim.
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Do you have judgments against you right now? If you do, it is only a matter of time before your creditors will start requesting garnishments on your paychecks, if they have not already started this. If you are in this position, you might be wondering if bankruptcy would stop these judgments. In some cases, the answer is yes, but there are other situations when the answer is no.
What is a judgment?
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