What To Expect From Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation is an alternative approach to ending a marriage. Rather than one ex-partner suing the other to begin an adversarial divorce proceeding, the two parties can agree to mediation. This means the goal is to arrive at a comfortable solution for all involved, as opposed to having two sides lock horns and try to win. Notably, this process diverges from what you might think of as divorce. You may also wonder what to expect from mediation. Read More 

High-Asset Divorce Is Complicated

Divorce is complicated, and this can increase significantly when you are dealing with a relationship that has high assets involved. A high-asset divorce can be extremely difficult to contend with, setting it apart from divorces that do not involve a lot of assets or liabilities. Here's what you need to know about high-asset divorce and how you can prepare. Understand the Consequences of Hidden Assets Hidden assets are not uncommon in high-asset divorces. Read More