Medical Malpractice Settlements: What To Expect
A medical malpractice case can be hard to win if it goes to court. This is why many people opt to settle malpractice claims out of court. If you or someone you love is affected by medical malpractice, you will need to know the following about getting compensation for injuries and damages:
How to Start Negotiations
Before your damages can be determined, you need to provide proof for evaluation. You first need to show proof the doctor or provider was negligent when providing care. You also need to prove the negligence had a direct impact on you and your injuries.
You also need to provide proof that the doctor or provider did not provide due care. This means he or she did not act in accordance with cases with similar circumstances as yours. Part of this proof is demonstrating evidence of generally accepted medical practices with injuries or malpractice cases like yours within a general region.
How to Negotiate the Value of Your Injuries
Once you have provided evidence of your medical malpractice and the provider is considered liable for your injuries, the next part is determining how much your case is worth and a compensation figure. The figure will be a culmination of all your damages and losses as a result of the injury.
Your compensation can include, but is not limited to, the costs associated with your injuries, surgeries, therapies, or any ongoing treatments you will need as a result of the malpractice. Your damages could also include your lost income from your inability to work while you recovered from your injury. If your injury has resulted in permanent disability, your settlement could also include any earnings you would have received had you been able to return to work.
You can also receive compensation for your pain and suffering, emotional distress, mental anguish, and psychological damage. Punitive damages are also possible if it is determined the provider acted in an egregious manner, resulting in your injuries.
Many states will place a cap on how much you can receive in medical malpractice damages. The cap is determined by the injuries you suffered, the type of medical provider who cared for you, and any extenuating circumstances. Other states will not cap settlements, however. Your attorney will know how much the cap is in your state, if any.
If you need assistance with a medical malpractice case, be sure to contact a medical malpractice attorney right away.